Saturday, December 22, 2012

Eco-emballage pour les enfants!

Recycling and Green Blog for children

Le Noël du Père Noël!

 A Christmas video book for children. In France, Santa Claus is Le Père Noël. Watch and read here:

A video in French, with many cognates.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Les œufs fraîs et gros

A world traveler, Rosanne Migliorino. took this lovely photo in Le Marché. I'll have to ask her if it was in France or Belgium, since I know she has traveled to both countries.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

A forever thing

The French are really making an effort to raise awareness of abandoned pets. "There are Christmas gifts that one finds by the side of the road in summer. To adopt an animal is to become responsable (for it)"
A pet is for life!

Dans mon sac à main Hyper pratique!

This young lady shares in French what she has in her purse and why, c'est hyper pratique!
Compare the accent of a parisienne with that of a québécoise. Super chouette!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Le Miel de Paris

The people of Paris have hives, "les ruchers" in parks, and on rooftops. When I was there 2 years ago I took many photos of the elegant hives found in the heart of Le Jardin de Luxembourg. The orchard or Orangerie has an annual sale of the honey in the fall. here below is a photo I took. Notice the rooftops of Paris in the background, just to the right of the gazebo! 
Copyrighted Image, 2010, by Pamela Overmier

Wonderful French Blog!

Si vous aimez cuisiner, visitez ce beau blog!
Lucy in Lyon! 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Qu'est-ce qu'il y a dans mon sac??

This is a funny question. And now young women are willingly showing you what is in a purse. Here is a delightful young canadienne unveiling the mystery of what is inside. It is useful for students to become accustomed to different regional accents. Can you explain the differences in intonation between this young lady and a parisienne?

Boowa et Kwala

This is a fun site with countless songs and games performed by the cuddly characters Boowa et Kwala.

Chantal Goya

Chantal Goya is a beloved singer in France, whose pop career led to her being a mainstay on French TV and stage productions for children. Do a Youtube search for her and you will find countless songs and videos which are wonderful!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

InfoGraphics Lab: The future of languages

World languages



A fun new way to study French online! This is a great site for beginners.

Coup de Cœur!

Coucou! Facebook has a charming thing to follow: 

J'aime ça et toi?

Oui, j'aime bien, j'adore, 
Je kiffe!
Just type in J'aime ça et toi? And click the option to "like"
and your wall will receive a daily dose of cuteness!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Les synonymes!
On peut facilement trouver des synonymes pour améliorer l'écriture.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Paris: comment la ville trie le dechet

How recycling is done in Paris.
Trier le dechet

Pets in France are spoiled!

                                           Pour les chiens gâtés! Et les chats......

Et ici, le magasin "Poupa Pets"
an Incredible doggy store and spa, en France!

Faire des courses en ligne!!

This is a fun site! They advertise common household items and other package deals. It's fun to read the French, and it gives good examples of contemporary language. You can sign up for daily emails, watch that they don't go to your SPAM folder. You can unlist them at any time.

Metcalf Students: Study Bleu ONLINE

Bleu 1 Online
Go here, and click on our state of Illinois, and then follow the link and choose Middle School, then "Bleu 1"  and then look for chapter we are studying. NOTE! This is a newer version of our text and not all chapters align or are the same. You need to look through them and find what is related to what we are studying in class. You may select practice tests and activities to help you study.

Also: Check on QUIZLET for flash cards. You can search in the search box by entering the chapter and lesson number and you will find sets to study. Just type QUIZLET in google and you will find the site.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Podcasts with Frank!!

My friend Frank has a great set of podcasts for you!! All my students, these are a must!!! Yes he is a native speaker. No doubt about it!

Frank also has a cooking blog, because he is a fabulous cook.

And lastly he shares with us the lovely Pakita, which his daughters enjoy.
You may have heard Pakita already without knowing it, she sings the song "Bali" for the TV show of the same name.
Elle dit souvent, "CouCou les lutins! CouCou les lutines!"
Qu'est-ce que c'est qu'un lutin ou une lutine? Regarde dessous:

These should keep you entertained and informed in authentic Frenchness for hours.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Self- immersion, Qu'est-ce que c'est?

What is self immersion? If you said, "It's our goal this year!" you're right, it is!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Move! Eat! French Wellness site Siteweb pour améliorer votre santé. Official French site for eating healthy and exercising.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Second Year French

Here is a site with a guided curriculum for second year French students.

Verb practice">

Paris Apartments for rent!,locations.aspx">,locations.aspx">

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Ça bouge en France

Here is a great activity courtesy of TV5 France, Ça bouge en France.
For my French 1 students at EJHS:

For March 5 2012:
We will start with "Bretagne" and pick out the adjectives from Bleu 1 leçon 11. See how many you can find!
Click on the sidebar on the right, "à droite" and print out Fiche apprenant niveau A2 and complete.
Level 2 students:
go to the official youth site of Bretagne and listen to at least 2 of the youth videos, which gives a students point of view of what it is like to be a Breton. "Pick out" or identify words you know, translate one of the videos for a class discussion.
Level 3 students: do what the Level 2's do and then go to
this site. This is a competition for videos. Translate the instructions and create a video of your own. (It's too late to enter)